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Moritz Hennicke

moritz (dot) hennicke (at) ulb (dot) be
Universität Bremen in Germany and
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium


I am a political economist trained in methods of causal inference, economic modelling and machine learning. I obtained a joint PhD from the Université libre de Bruxelles and Cery Paris Université in October 2022. I am currently a Post-Doc based at the Universität Bremen and Université libre de Bruxelles in the Mod-Block project. I am broadly interested in political economy, public and industrial economics. I also contribute to the development of open science such as replicability and open source software.


  1. Ethnic inequality and forced displacement, PLOS One, 2022,
    with Tilman Brück
    Journal   |   BibTex

  2. The Big Sell: Privatizing East Germany's Economy, Journal of Public Economics, 2025
    with Lukas Mergele and Moritz Lubczyk
    Policy: Summary for the EBRD Transition Report 2024-2025 on Industrial Policy (Box 4.2)
    Press coverage: LeSoir+, SPON, SZ (I, II), MDR, WDR, ND, FOCUS, FP
    JPubE   |   Preprint   |   BibTex

Working papers

  1. The Impact of Restructuring of Communist Firms on Workers
    Preprint   |   Slides

  2. Privatizations Spark Socialist Backlash: Evidence from East Germany’s Transformation, submitted
    with Anselm Hager, Werner Krause, and Lukas Mergele
    Preprint   |   Slides   |   BibTex

  3. Betting on the Wrong Horse: Lobbying on TPP and the 2016 U.S. Presidental Election, submitted
    with Michael Blanga-Gubbay


  1. nuts: Convert European Regional Data in R, rOpenSci, 2024,
    with Werner Krause
    Vignette   |   Repo   |  


  1. Comment on “Gone with the Wind: The Consequences of US Drone Strikes in Pakistan”, I4R Discussion Paper Series, 2023,
    with Joanne Haddad, Lamis Kattan, Thibault Lemaire and Marco Musumeci
    PDF   |   BibTex

Old ideas

  1. Who is the key campaigner? Civil society organizations in the European Union, 2016,

Website architecture forked with gratitude from Yen-Chia Hsu